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IT Overview for Duke Sociology

New affiliates commonly arrive with a Windows or Mac laptop and varying need to prep that device for academic computing at Duke. This material checklists the key decisions and preparation required in this department. Each topic links to in depth discussions.

1. IT Support Staff

Meet and get to know the IT support staff in Sociology (./)

See IT Staff section for more information

See Scope of Services for point person on various service points

2. Accounts

You need login and authentication privileges.

Both accounts have the same ID composed of your initials followed by a number.

Accessing the services associated with the Duke NetID increasingly involves the use of multi-factor authentication (MFA).

3. Account Password Changes

Know how to change account passwords (./)

Change initial passwords. Change a password if you have any reason to believe it is compromised.

4. Wireless Access

Configure your wireless devices (./)

Encrypted Wireless

Unencrypted Wireless [not recommended]

5. Email

Make basic email decisions.

  1. Decide whether to use a Duke email address for professional activity and whether to separate personal from professional email (./)

  2. Historically Sociology has provided its own mail service. This practice will soon come to an end and most users now use the Duke mail system. All new users should do so (./)

  3. Consider your options for Duke Mail - a cloud-based Microsoft Exchange service (./)

    • Access with the Duke Webmail Outlook client - requires multifactor authentication and the Outlook in use is a component of Office 365

    • Access with a locally installed Outlook client - Outlook 2016 (for Windows or Mac) or Outlook 2019 if you have access
    • Access with another locally installed email client, such as Thunderbird or Mac Mail
    • If not primary, forward to another account such as Gmail

  4. OIT provides a publishable, dot-delimited alias (i.e.; John.Doe@duke.edu ). It points by default to your NetID address (./)

    • Redirection is done from the OIT account self-service site, and requires multifactor authentication

    • This Duke alias cannot be redirected to a non-Duke address

6. Domain Account Usage

Understand the uses for your Active Directory Domain account (./)

This falls among the uses for your Duke NetID account

One use case is for logging into computers joined to the campus Active Directory win domain.

A second use case is for mapping a drive letter (under Windows) or a share (under macOS) to a laptop device.

Observe limits on what you store on the network.

7. Windows and macOS Software

Become familiar with the rich assortment of software available through the Duke Software License Office. Much of it is free and downloadable (./)

8. Linux Account Usage

Understand the requirements and uses for your Sociology Linux account (./)

9. Linux Software

Become familiar with the statistical software available on paradigm and charisma (./)

10. Network Printing Within Sociology

Enable personal laptop PCs to print on Sociology network printers (./)

11. Other Topics

Be aware of the fuller range of IT issues and services (./)

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2020-08-31 15:19