Digitizing Course Materials
Articles, book chapters and other course-related materials may be put into digital format by:
- Submitting them to the Duke Library Electronic Reserves
- Using the scanning feature of the departmental copier
- Filing a work request form for scanning
Perkins Library provides guidelines and forms for the submission of articles and book chapters to be scanned into E-Reserves for use in currently taught courses.
- Use of E-Reserves is an efficient method for providing supplemental course materials, but requires advance planning to ensure availability when needed.
E-Reserve items are linked to Sakai course sites or may be searched through reserves linked to your NetID.
Use of Copier Scanner
The department Ricoh copier supports scanning and emailing of documents. The copier scans in black and white or color and produces PDF image files. It does not do optical character recognition, so image files tend to be relatively large. This method should only be used for shorter documents of a few pages. Speak with Jessica Ellington to add your email address to the copier.
To use the scanning feature:
Select Scanner button to the left of the display screen. (Your password is not necessary for this feature.)
- Select the email address to which you want to send the PDF file. (Addresses are ordered alphabetically by last name and in letter groups.)
Place the document in the top feeder and press the Start button. (It is easier if your item is in single sided form.)
When finished, press the # (Enter) key to hasten sending of the PDF directly to the chosen email address.
To return the copier back to the usual sign-in screen, press the Home icon at the bottom, center of the display.
Scanned material is sent directly from the copier to your email account as a PDF attachment. The From address, appearing as SOC-Ricoh@soc.duke.edu, will cue you.
Work Queue Requests
Documents requiring color scanning must be submitted through the work queue. Use of the work queue is limited to faculty members. Items are scanned on the departmental color scanner and returned.
To use the work queue:
- Fill out a detailed work request slip located by the copy machine. Please indicate under comments if you need color scanning.
- Place items with the request form in the wire basket below the work request slip box.
- Materials will be scanned as requested and returned to you as an email attachment. Please allow 24 hours for processing.